Düşük peletizasyon basıncı altında farklı bekleme sürelerinde Bi-2212 süperiletkenlerin sentez ve karakterizasyonu
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Bu tezde BiSrCaCuO (BSCCO) süperiletken ailesinde Bi-2212 fazının, düşük peletizasyon basıncı altında farklı bekleme sürelerinin uygulanmasıyla değişen süperiletkenlik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma için en kararlı termodinamiksel yapıya sahip olduğundan dolayı BSCCO ailesinin Bi-2212 fazı tercih edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Bi-2212 seramikler geleneksel katı hal reaksiyonu yöntemi kullanılarak hazırlanmış ve presleme aşamasında ise 114 MPa sabit peletizasyon basıncın da 12 saat ila 72 saat arasında değişen farklı bekleme süreleri uygulanmıştır. XRD grafiklerinden tüm örneklerin yüksek oranda Bi-2212 fazına sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca ikincil faz olarak sadece Bi2CaO4 fazı tespitedilmiştir. Bu uygulanan peletizasyon basıncı literatüre göre düşük seçilmiş olsa bile yüksek termodinamik kararlılığı nedeniyle yüksek oranda Bi-2212 fazının oluşumu tüm örnekler de gerçekleşmiştir. SEM sonuçları, tüm örneklerin farklı tane boyutlarına sahip olmaları dışında, rastgele tane yönelimleri ve homojen faz oluşumu ile benzer tane morfolojisine sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Tüm örnekler için M-T (manyetizasyon-sıcaklık) eğrisinden elde edilen Tc değerleri 77-82 K aralığında olup Bi-2212 fazının ideal oranlarda oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Hazırlanan örneklerin manyetik özellikleri M-H (Manyetik histerezis) ve manyetik Jc eğrileri (Bean modeli çerçevesinde hesaplanan kritik akım taşıma yoğunluğu) 15 K’de incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 114 MPa sabit peletizasyon basıncı altında 12 saatlik bekletme süresinin, Bi-2212 fazı için en iyi süperiletkenlik özelliklerini ve en yüksek Jc değerlerini (T=15 K ve H=1.5 T’de 1.605 x 104 A/cm2) sağladığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca örneklerin akı çivileme özelliklerini daha iyi incelemek için Jc ve B değerlerinden çivileme kuvvet yoğunluğu (Fp) hesaplanmıştır. Maksimum çivileme kuvveti (3.929 Oe A/cm2, T= 15 K ve H= 1.95 T), 114 MPa altında 12 saatlik bekleme süresine tabi olan örnekte elde edilmiştir.
In this thesis, the superconducting properties of the Bi-2212 phase in the BiSrCaCuO (BSCCO) superconductor family, which change with the application of different residence times under low pelletization pressure, were investigated. For this study, the Bi-2212 phase of the BSCCO family was preferred because it has the most stable thermodynamic structure. In this study, Bi-2212 ceramics were prepared using the conventional solid state reaction method and different residence times ranging from 12 hours to 72 hours were applied at a constant pelletization pressure of 114 MPa during the pressing stage. It was seen from the XRD plots that all samples had high Bi2212 phase. In addition, only Bi2CaO4 phase was detected as the secondary phase. Even though this applied pelletization pressure was chosen low according to the literature, due to its high thermodynamic stability, the formation of a high rate of Bi-2212 phase occurred in all samples. SEM results showed that all samples had similar grain morphology with random grain orientation and homogeneous phase formation, except that all samples had different grain sizes. The Tc values obtained from the M-T (magnetization-temperature) curve for all samples are in the range of 77-82 K, showing that the Bi-2212 phase is formed at ideal ratios. The magnetic properties of the prepared samples were investigated by M-H (Magnetic hysteresis) and magnetic Jc curves (critical current carrying density calculated within the framework of the Bean model) at 15 K. In this study, it was found that a 12 hour dwell time under 114 MPa constant pelletization pressure provided the best superconductivity properties and the highest Jc values (1.605 x 104 A/cm2 at T=15 K and H=1.5 T) for the Bi-2212 phase. In addition, the nailing force density (Fp) was calculated from the Jc and B values to better examine the flux nailing properties of the samples. The maximum nailing force (3.929 Oe A/cm2, T= 15 K and H= 1.95 T) was obtained in the sample subjected to a holding time of 12 hours under 114 MPa.
In this thesis, the superconducting properties of the Bi-2212 phase in the BiSrCaCuO (BSCCO) superconductor family, which change with the application of different residence times under low pelletization pressure, were investigated. For this study, the Bi-2212 phase of the BSCCO family was preferred because it has the most stable thermodynamic structure. In this study, Bi-2212 ceramics were prepared using the conventional solid state reaction method and different residence times ranging from 12 hours to 72 hours were applied at a constant pelletization pressure of 114 MPa during the pressing stage. It was seen from the XRD plots that all samples had high Bi2212 phase. In addition, only Bi2CaO4 phase was detected as the secondary phase. Even though this applied pelletization pressure was chosen low according to the literature, due to its high thermodynamic stability, the formation of a high rate of Bi-2212 phase occurred in all samples. SEM results showed that all samples had similar grain morphology with random grain orientation and homogeneous phase formation, except that all samples had different grain sizes. The Tc values obtained from the M-T (magnetization-temperature) curve for all samples are in the range of 77-82 K, showing that the Bi-2212 phase is formed at ideal ratios. The magnetic properties of the prepared samples were investigated by M-H (Magnetic hysteresis) and magnetic Jc curves (critical current carrying density calculated within the framework of the Bean model) at 15 K. In this study, it was found that a 12 hour dwell time under 114 MPa constant pelletization pressure provided the best superconductivity properties and the highest Jc values (1.605 x 104 A/cm2 at T=15 K and H=1.5 T) for the Bi-2212 phase. In addition, the nailing force density (Fp) was calculated from the Jc and B values to better examine the flux nailing properties of the samples. The maximum nailing force (3.929 Oe A/cm2, T= 15 K and H= 1.95 T) was obtained in the sample subjected to a holding time of 12 hours under 114 MPa.
Anahtar Kelimeler
BSCCO, Peletizasyon Basıncı, SEM, XRD, Kritik Sıcaklık Değeri, Kritik Akım Yoğunluk Değeri, Pelletization Pressure, Critical Temperature Value, Critical Current Density Value
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kara, E. Düşük peletizasyon basıncı altında farklı bekleme sürelerinde Bi-2212 süperiletkenlerin sentez ve karakterizasyonu, Tarsus Üniversitesi, 2022, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).