Yaman, Ahmet2023-07-182023-07-182023Yaman, A. (2023). The Role and importance of the transportation coordınatıon center (Ukome) in the management of urban transportation. ASES III. International Scientific Research Conference in Trabzon, Türkiye, January 28-29, 125-138.978-625-6971-27-1https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13099/142The most important indicator of the age we live in is that living in the city is inevitable. More than half of the world's population lives in cities. Every problem that belongs to human beings also presents problems for the city. Transportation and traffic problems are the most important areas of concern that occupy the city's agenda. The quality of urban transportation also determines the quality of the city's life. For this purpose, local governments are responsible for planning, organizing, and establishing their policies for urban transportation. The urban transportation services neighbourhood is at the top of the list of common needs. For this purpose, local governments can apply a wide range of urban policy and application tools (Keleş 2016; Resmi Gazete 2005; UNDP 2016; United Nations 2018). We can say that urban policy problem is generally affected by urban transportation system. In order to create healthy transportation system, the urban policy has a crucial function. In this study, urban policy is described with the general perspective that the policy is an instrument that local governments may prefer or not to use to solve urban social problems (Gül 2015; Knoepfel et al. 2007; Yıldız and Sobacı 2013).enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTransportation and traffic problemsurban policy problemurban transportation systemtransportation coordination centerUKOMEmanagement of urban tranportationASESIII. International Scientific Research ConferenceThe Role and importance of the transportation coordınatıon center (Ukome) in the management of urban transportationarticle125137