Nizar, TahsseenAydın Halisoğlu, Tuğba2023-07-182023-07-182022Nizar, T., ve Halisoğlu, T. A. (2022). Geo-cultural and Political Dialogue between Pakistan and Turkey: Resetting the Diplomatic Pace for 'Soft Power' Regional and Global Imagery in a Changing World. Arab Journal of International Law. paper focusesonhighlightingthe discourseofgeo-cultureand how the discourse is shaped, defined,and structuredin the new global age.The discussion rests with thebackground of culture and diplomacy and the debate surrounding theconcept of soft power. The redefinitionpreeminently entails to explore the dynamics of softer side of diplomatic conduct and how political dialogue, negotiations, parlays,and diplomatic communication reinforcesthe processof cultural diplomacy? Therefore, the motivation of this paperis to link the notion of soft power todiplomacy in the contemporary case studies of Pakistan and Turkey. Itaims to explore the new dimensions and pathways in outlining policies and perspectivestaken by Turkey and Pakistan; in view to address some extremely challenging questionsvis-à-visregional and globalpolitical and geo-cultural realityeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGeo-culturePakistanTurkeysoft powerGeo-cultural and Political Dialogue between Pakistan and Turkey: Resetting the Diplomatic Pace for 'Soft Power' Regional and Global Imagery in a Changing WorldArticle10.5281/zenodo.7424858185225