Çelik, İbrahimÜstün, DenizAkdağlı, Ali2023-08-312023-08-312022Celik, I., Ustun, D., ve Akdagli, A. (2022). Designing of the Artificial Neural Network Model Trained by Using the Different Learning Algorithms to Classify the Electrocardiographic Signals. European Journal of Science and Technology, (45), 74-78.https://doi.org/10.31590/ejosat.1221450https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13099/175An artificial neural network model trained by using various learning algorithms is designed to classify the electrocardiographic signals in this study. The model of artificial neural network is constructed on the structure consisting of a multilayered perceptron based on the feed forward back propagation. A data pool is built by using a dataset consists of 66 electrocardiographic data’s taken from the MIT BIH arrhythmia database to perform the training and testing processes of artificial neural network model. The training process of artificial neural network model is performed with 46 electrocardiographic data and then the accuracy of the model is tested via 20 electrocardiographic data. The artificial neural network is trained by 3 different learning algorithms to achieve a robust model. The performance of the learning algorithms used for training the model of the artificial neural network is evaluated according to percentage error. It illustrates that the artificial neural network model trained by Levenberg–Marquardt learning algorithm obtains the better classification result than other learning algorithms. The proposed artificial neural network model can be successfully used to classify the electrocardiographic signals.enginfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessArtificial neural networksElectrocardiographic signalClassificationLearning algorithmsDesigning of the Artificial Neural Network Model Trained by Using the Different Learning Algorithms to Classify the Electrocardiographic SignalsElektrokardiyografik Sinyallerin Sınıflandırılması İçin Farklı Öğrenme Algoritmaları Kullanılarak Eğitilmiş Yapay Sinir Ağı Modelinin Tasarlanmasıarticle10.31590/ejosat.1221450457478